Change Real Estate: Agent Sold Listings

Michael I. Blonsky

Change Real Estate, LLC

Michael I. Blonsky

Public ID: 236927
State License: B.0144924
Prefered Phone: (702) 848-2971

Michael has been connected to Las Vegas since 1989 when his parents, brother and sister moved to the area. Having seen almost 30 years of development in the valley during his frequent visits, Michael finally moved to Las Vegas from San Francisco in 2015. Michael brings 25+ years of technology and consulting experience to the team and is a veteran of numerous successful San Francisco Bay Area startups, large technology companies, and top consulting firms. Michael has a passion for the real estate space and is bringing his technology talents to the team to build tools and improve the process of buying and selling homes and working with commercial properties. Michael brings together that old-school, hands-on, hard-working mentality with a flair for using technology to make real estate easier and more efficient.

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